10 Car Care Tips To Prevent Your Car In Winter

1 Check the oil : It is the oldest piece of advice in the book, but that doesn’t mean it is not worth following. If your oil is sludgy, or the level is low, your car’s engine won’t run efficiently. checking oil. Top it up or drain and replace it as necessary, and you’ll reap the benefits all winter long. 2 Check tyres Whether the weather is cold or wet, you can be certain of one thing in a British winter: the roads will [...]

How To Save Water While Washing Your Car…

With water bills rising, it is becoming more expensive to do things like wash your car in your driveway. To help you save money and conserve water, you should follow the tips below when washing your car. Turn off the hose: When you’re not using the hose, make sure that it is turned off. If it has a spray attachment on it, be sure there are no leaks so water can’t escape. Set Time Limits: When using the hose, give yourself a [...]

8 Car Car Checklist For your Adorable Car

Air Filter You need a new air filter for your car every 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. You can pay a mechanic and give up your car for a day, or you can replace your air filter at home in about ten minutes. First, find your filter under the hood of your car. It’s in a black rectangular box with metal clips on the side. Check your owner’s manual if you don’t see it as soon as [...]

Why Business With Speed Car Wash?

Association with a well-established and reputed brand using quality products and services; Providing assistance with the site selection, negotiations of lease, development of site, construction and fitting the shop; Providing assistance with the design of the outlet and purchase of the equipment; We will provide initial management training and will continue to provide continued management assistance; We will provide assistance for advertising and merchandising along with the accessibility to group/national market research; We will provide access to the standard procedures along with the operating [...]

Franchise Checklist To Start Car Wash Business

Knowing the industry To succeed it’s very important that you choose a franchise in an industry that you know pretty well. Your understanding of the industry is very important to judge the value of the business opportunity and to know if the business suits your personality. The ideal scenario is to have a work experience in the franchise that you are intending to buy. Experience in the same industry is invaluable. In case you don’t have an experience then choose [...]