Car Care Checklist

Significance Of Vehicle Care

CAR CARE Caring for and maintaining your car is the most important factor in ensuring that it enjoys a long and healthy life. Some repairs to your car are inevitable as it ages due to regular wear and tear. However, by caring for and maintaining your car properly, many repairs can be minimized or even eliminated altogether.  Your car’s external bodywork faces an everyday attack from numerous contaminants such as insect remains, dust and chemicals from the road surface. These contaminants can be [...]

Clean Automotive Glass Without Scratching It.

When detailing a car, there’s one aspect that often gets overlooked: the glass. And while the glass in your home windows might look the same as the clear stuff in your car, that’s where the similarities end. Commercial glass differs from application to application, and there are even different materials in use in cars’ windshields and side windows. Cleaning automotive glass without damaging it requires the right materials and techniques. Overlook either of these two things, and you’re likely to [...]

If engine coolant is bright green, then, Is it still performing well for your cooling system?

Over time, the chemicals in engine coolant can become corrosive. Coolant that looks fresh can actually be causing unseen and expensive cooling system damage. Checking engine coolant condition with an inexpensive tool is easy and can prevent both overheated engines and empty wallets.   False

Cross Checked these 5 Winter Car Care Tips

Winter Car Care Tips for Happy and Healthy Cars. • Car Lights Care: One major hazard with winter driving is that the sun sets earlier in the day, which means there's less daylight, especially on your commute home. As a result, you'll want to do everything you possibly can to make sure all of your vehicle's lights are in excellent shape, providing the brightest possible illumination they can. If a bulb is out, fix it before winter starts, and if there's [...]

Convert Your Free Space Into Franchise Business

Importance Of Franchise My initial reaction to a franchise business that’s focused on franchise business isn’t a positive one. It sounds a little too narrow of a niche to me. I’m not “feeling it.” Yet. Am I right? Turning a business into a franchise business isn’t easy. And doing so doesn’t guarantee success. The Franchise Business The woman on Franchise business. The title to a recent press release about-based franchise business had this headline: “Entrepreneurs eye franchise” Is There A Growing Demand For Car wash franchise? Kovalcik and [...]